We Love the Internet 2020/26: The Celebrities are not all right edition
2 min readJun 26, 2020
Part 1: For the day job
Things to think about:
- Why Zoom meetings are so dissatisfying
- The best new products introduce only one new thing.
- What It’s Like to Get Doxed for Taking a Bike Ride
- Pepsi’s $32 Billion Typo Caused Deadly Riots
- Sports Media Giant Bill Simmons Finds Himself Playing Defense
- Reality TV’s Racism Problem Is Impossible to Ignore
- Early thoughts on the impact of CV19 on British attitudes & the national mood
- Burger King’s secret sauce: CMO Fernando Machado shares its unique creative methods
Reference points:
- How the Virus Won
- You know Karen
- Subscription Mooching & Streaming Media
- Mastering TikTok Mobile Ads: Takeaways from Six Months in the Self-Serve Beta
- A catalogue of Trump’s worst cruelties, collusions, corruptions and crimes
Longer reads:
- The Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You This
- Caught in the mushy middle: How Quartz fell to earth
- Are We Ever Offline Anymore?
Part 2: For the lunch-break
Things to play with/watch/listen to:
- concatenation 2
- Movie Poster Expert Explains Color Schemes
- Launching a FULL SIZE Car into Space with Dynamite
- Pubs opening, but gyms closed?
- Fuck me this made me laugh
- guy in a relationship talks about his lockdown
- Move over Eminem there’s a new crew in town
- late night tv except i play all the hosts and guests
Things to look at/read:
- Has Coronavirus Killed the Menu? An Ode to the Restaurant Staple
- This is the word that exists in all human languages, according to research.
- The Magic of Rick Rubin Is in What He Doesn’t Do
- Revenge of the Suburbs
- The trampling of Venice shows why tourism must change after Covid-19
Animal corner:
- Tiniest Puppy Loves To Race Around On His Wheels
- Dogs Wearing Bread Masks
- yeah fuck those stringy bits man
- Hungry, hungry…Husky?! I think she cheated at the end…
- if anyone’s ever wondered how they weigh a koala…
- Kora the caracal kitten has perfected her ear flick.
- I put my microphone in front of a 7 week old baby red squirrel.
- I want what this dog has
Tweets of the week:
- My furloughed housemate coming in for some casual 4pm chit-chat
- Skills. Wait for it
- Some Dublin clouds this evening.
- Someone please take iMovie away from me
- it’s like a youtube comments section come to life
- Don’t remember Churchill being so easily distracted
- the plan? stop testing patients for coronavirus to make the number of active cases go down
Part 3: For the weekend
Longer reads:
- The Celebrities Are Not All Right
- The Power of Black Lives Matter
- My Family Saw a Police Car Hit a Kid on Halloween. Then I Learned How NYPD Impunity Works.
- How The Antifa Fantasy Spread In Small Towns Across The US
- Could Bruce Lee win a real fight?
- The end of tourism?
- Tea, Biscuits, and Empire: The Long Con of Britishness
- Performing Whiteness