We Love the Internet 2020/08: The Fog of Rudy edition
2 min readFeb 21, 2020
Part 1: For the day job
Things to think about:
- Resilience Is the Design Imperative of the 21st Century
- NBC Streamed Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Everywhere for a Month to Reach Young Viewers
- Brandless was actually a brand — just a bad one
- Silicon Valley Abandons the Culture That Made It the Envy of the World
- Caught in the Spotlight
- Why We Need MTV Now More Than Ever
Reference points:
- Tech in 2020: Standing on the shoulders of giants
- Movie marketing of the oscars
- Words That Don’t Translate
- List of fictional institutions
- How to stop Netflix autoplay
- The 100 Most Popular Free Online Courses of 2019
Longer reads:
- Why do corporations speak the way they do?
- The debate over subtitles, explained
- Smorgasbords Don’t Have Bottoms
- #CES2020: Primordial Soup of Innovation
- YouTube at 15: what happened to some of the platform’s biggest early stars?
- The Next Frontier in Storytelling Universes and the Never Ending Desire for More
Part 2: For the lunch-break
Things to play with/watch/listen to:
- Contouring 101
- Baby Benson thinks mamas sneezes are hilarious
- My mathematical analysis of So Solid Crew’s 21 Seconds.
- Conspiracy theory: a studio exec hired someone to do this deep fake to see if the internet wants this remake
- The most rock and roll thing you will ever see
Things to look at/read:
- Your worst office romance was never this bad
- Their dark materials
- A dentist was filmed extracting a tooth while on a hoverboard. He was found guilty on 46 counts
- The pungent legacy of Axe Body Spray
- This Dad Taught His 10-Year-Old Son How To Use Photoshop By Adding Lifeboats To Famous Paintings
- So long, salt and vinegar: how crisp flavours went from simple to sensational
Animal corner:
- The Moment A Cat Realizes He’s Living With Two Big Dog Idiots
- A cat thinks long before hitting a dog
- Capybara bathtime
- Cat Is Very Determined To Drag Its Lazy Friend On A Walk
- Impressive Display of Stock Dog Obedience
- mi nuevo video favorito
- Why does this cat look like he’s being shown the tweets that got him fired
- when she dropped the ball
Tweets of the week:
- A bloke eating a full English on the London Underground.
- bono, petite
- Sick flip bruh
- I always imagine he had stood on a piece of Lego halfway through this sentence.
- What a day
- My friends are pieces of shit
- Note Bong Joon Ho does not wear a mask, because as the director of both PARASITE and THE HOST viruses respect & fear him
- When you go to a gallery and discover you’ve not aged in 430 years…
Part 3: For the weekend
Longer reads: