We Love the Internet 2023/49: The 52 things I learned in 2023 edition
2 min readDec 8, 2023
Part 1: For the day job
Things to think about:
- Sports Illustrated Published Articles by Fake, AI-Generated Writers
- How Jessica Lessin’s The Information Has Survived a Decade of Media Tumult
- Saudi Arabia’s plan to become the crown prince of gaming
Reference points:
- 52 things I learned in 2023
- Trends 2024
- The 88x31 GIF Collection
- Pinterest Predicts 2024: Today’s ‘cheat sheet’ for tomorrow’s trends
- Year on TikTok 2023: Scroll back with our community
- 101 hidden gems: the greatest films you’ve never seen
Longer reads:
Part 2: For the lunch-break
Things to play with/watch/listen to:
Things to look at/read:
- The French are not happy about ‘Napoleon’
- ‘I thought about that a lot’ is a collection of 24 essays by 24 authors
- Unleash the bololô: Masses of delivery workers set off horns and fireworks at bad customers’ homes
Animal corner:
- First time seeing snow
- Pedro’s finding his little legs after a rough hatch for him
- Our sweet Euro orphan Pippa has reached expert level at jumping into her pouch
- He’d be embarrassed if he knew I was sharing his soft side with the internet
Tweets of the week:
- GoldenEye 007 cosplay done right.
- I will never recover from this student email.
- Working as a janitor and I stop as I see the incomplete lyrics to Blank Space on a chalkboard.
- let’s goooooooo
- I got chiles They’re multiplying
- That is the eeriest ending to a weather forecast I’ve ever seen.
- He looks like he’s tapping out to the Walls of Jericho, hahahahaha
Part 3: For the weekend
Longer reads:
- ‘How do you reduce a national dish to a powder?’: the weird, secretive world of crisp flavours
- How millennials learned to dread motherhood